Thursday, July 31, 2008

How Colour Affects Us !

I read this article on net and found it interesting. Cant vouch for it authenticity . So does ur favourite colour reflect your personality? FInd out....

"Often wonder why you favor certain colors over other and what do these colors signify? Maybe this will help--"

Black----------centering, protection from death, magic, creation, feminine strength

Blue-----------calmness, happiness, truth


Gold-----------great power, inspiration

Green----------growth, healing, abundance

Grey-----------safe, comforting

Orange--------joy, warmth, friendship

Red-----------life force, sex, passion, strength, protection

Red(dull)------sacred earth

Turquoise-----peace, protects from misfortune

Violet/Purple- alchemy, spirituality, leadership

White---------purity, truth, innocence

Yellow-------communication, intelligence