I took my usual path and then at that moment IT HAPPENED. I saw him. I just could not take my eyes off him. He was running and did not seem to take notice all the admiring glances around him. And LO ! Our glances met and he caught me staring at him. The air was charged with electricity,(atleast from my side)! I never in my wildest dreams believed that I could fall in love at first sight ! I had always mocked poems and people and even Shakespeare’s works for embracing such a phenomenon. For me it was so irrational to even think of surrendering myself to a stranger at first sight!
Atlast I got a hold on myself and started walking to recollect my thoughts. I so badly wanted to go and talk to him! But was it ok to do that at the first instance itself ?
It took me another 2 rounds to convince myself and muster up some courage. Atlast I went up to him and made myself known. He too liked me and allowed me to take pictures of him with my phone camera. He even shook hands with me when . .
his master introduced him as “Fluffy” ! He was a cute white Scottish terrier ! (what were u thinking huh? LOL! )

'People always used to wonder how abu could do such things with ease..... today i understood its her inborn quality to be a BLADE' ........
y do u do this to me in public also da? huh ?
n then u tell i did all droham to u ? :)
no wonder we have named u abhi "doggie"!!! ;) :) :)) :))
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